Fitxa espectacle

Tres coreografies

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Premiere: 2019-07-06
Language: No linguistic content

Subject area: Dansa


Identifier: edc130921
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Artistic / technical data
Literary authorship: Behar, Gai
Composer: Bell, William ; Jones J., Booker T. ; Lichtik, Ori ; Brahms, Johannes

Director: Molnar, Emily
Coreography: Eyal, Sharon ; Pite, Crystal
Vestuary: Pite, Crystal ; Burrows, Kate ; Visser, Joke ; Hytting, Rebecca

Producer: Ballet British Columbia
Company: Ballet British Columbia ; Hendrix, Jimi
Dancers: Rapaport, Justin ; Prince, Racheal ; Wicklund, Alexis Fletcher ; Fowler, Scott ; Hill, Kiera ; Alley, Brandon ; Cheesa, Emily ; Finley, Parker ; Kilbane, Patrick ; Small, Gilbert
Musicians: Ma, Yo-Yo ; Ax, Emmanuel

- Teatre Grec (Barcelona). 2019/07/06 - 2019/07/07. Festival d'estiu de Barcelona Grec (43è : 2019)
Inclou els espectacles: Bedroom Folk, To this day i Solo Echo.

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